Blip Meet

A wonderful day out today - a blipmeet at Rainie and Doug's place.

Gitama from Australia and Sleepyhead from Edinburgh stopped off on their camper van trip and Oldtimer, Timguru, Mario and I had the chance for a meet and greet.  in fact rather a long chance as we stayed for both lunch and dinner.  Even My3Sons was able to join us for a while.  So at one point there were 8 blippers wandering around Rainie's garden.

I'm leaving it to one of the others to blip the group photo.  I took some sequence photos which at some point I will play around with to see if I can create a Pep Ventose image like the ones other blippers have been creating lately.  For the mean time, due to time constraints on a Sunday night, here is a cornflower from Rainie's garden.

NB: See blip group hug in extras - thank's to Doug for the photography.

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