Mount Chincogan from the River

Today was just AWESOME!
My girlfriend and I paddled down the river from Mullumbimby to Brunswick Heads....a looooonggg way.
Her lovely partner lent us his home made boat or maybe a bit more like a canoe and we took off.
I took so many pics....I was quite nervous to take my camera but it was ok and I'm so glad that I did.....the landscape sliding past was just gorgeous.

I have taken many pics of Mt Chincogan......the mountain of the area (more like a hill really) but when I turned the corner of the river and saw this I was so happy.

What was (we thought) a 2 hour trip was heading into 4-5hrs.... we were fighting the wind a bit and us girls just meandering down the river unaware that others were getting a bit worried.

Long story short...we got rescued ...which was a good thing really as it was starting to get a bit dark.

Jaiya met us with a thermos of hot tea... it was getting a bit cold by then.

I'm so tired I don't know how many journals I will get around to tonite...not only that I am sore as......used muscles I had forgotten I had.

By the way the bird in the shot is some type of raptor...I am thinking hawk.
I actually p/shopped him in...he was just off to the side of this and I couldn't decide which to post so I thought to collage a bit and have both.

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