Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Fall showed up

We left Columbia, Missouri at 5:30am to drive the final leg home which ended up being a 14 hour in the truck day, junk food eating in the truck, quick gas fillups and potty stops. My poor doggie did much doggie sighing and sleeping.

But we are home after driving over 800 miles today.

This scene was at the exit ramp near St Louis as we turned on to Interstate 64 east. The first bit of fall that I saw since we left home in October. I missed most of the Aspen color out west and it was too early for the fall color here at home.

As it wasx dark here when we arrived, I am wondering if some fall color may be still on the trees in my yard! But there are many leaves on the steps and deck. So I guess I will be surprised in the morning!

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