
I'm happy to report that there has been a rainbow over Wombat Hollow today. I'm sure it's an omen that our world as we knew it is changing. The historic landslide result of the Same Sex Marriage survey in Australia will in many ways change the fabric of our society. I know that in talking to many of our friends, this has been an incredibly emotional time. It may surprise some people but speaking for myself, I know that there was a huge amount of grief mixed with jubilation associated with the process. Yesterday Australians overwhelmingly drew a line in the sand and declared that from now on equality must prevail.

Today I am posting my 1500th blip, not all continuous because it did take me a while to get into the swing of things. I didn't have a "proper" camera and only had a Samsung Smart Phone. I didn't have any followers and I was only following my big brother Allan46. How happy am I now that I stuck with it and became a committed blipper. I can say with absolute certainty that if I had to give you one word to sum up what blipfoto means to me it would be - "Friendship".

Have a wonderful weekend everyone :)))

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