Plus ça change...

By SooB

Colour (ish)

Busy day (is that my most frequent opening? Not this week, but today did see stuff done). Some comments for Mr B that drew the response "it's like this is what you're trained to do". Err, thanks - is that a compliment?

Later, the bunnies' enclosure was made taller. Piper was not enthusiastic about the drill (good job I couldn't get the nail gun to work), and Joey was a little too helpful for my liking. Means they can sleep together again; seems unlikely Piper will be able to jump out now.

Later, off through the nearly-worst traffic to get Mr B (and back through the actual worst traffic). Basketball pickup, then traditional Friday night duck and chips and a long discussion on philosophy and the rights and wrongs of prefect / class rep policy.

Now Blue Planet 2 and CarbBoy (our early-riser) is fast asleep.

Foggy mornings this week. This is in colour, I think.

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