Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger

Our New Home

Spacious house, big garden with lots of trees. BLUE! And a RED covered space with grill and wood stove. Right behind the house is a patch of Mata Atlântica, a protected area of original, untouched rain forest. Isabella went crazy when she spotted a band of little, curious monkeys.
Everything and more than I could have wished for. The owner will now do the necessary repairs, clean up the garden, remove all the stuff the last tenant left behind.
We're very happy, very grateful. 
The extra shows the views three blocks down our road. We will be moving December 15th. Four weeks of lots of happy work ahead.

(Thank you all for your comments and stars and hearts during these days. I have no time to answer them all at the moment. But things will get back to an even better normal very soon.)

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