Making Do

Dear Diary,

A much better night and morning I am happy to report but "slow and easy" is my mantra for the next couple of weeks at least.  I was thinking that back in January I chose the word Patience as my word for the year and it is a perfect one now.  Time and patience is what I need.

I was also thinking about how we "make do", as my grandmother use to say.  If we don't have just the right thing for a project we work with what we have.  My bathroom curtains don't like to stay open so, volia!, a clothes pin works perfectly!  When I came home from the hospital on Saturday I was concerned about being able to get up out of bed since my stomach muscles were a tad "compromised".  I sent my friend out to the barn to find a piece of clothes line and he tied it to the bed leg with a loop on one end.  Again, volia!, a handy assist grip!

My grandfather never threw out a bit of rope that might later be useful and I guess I am the same.  The short length of clothes line has been hanging out in the barn for a long time but it's time had come, it's purpose found.  I think the term now is "re-purposing"...I like that word.  It is a very Yankee way of thinking.

This quote showed up yesterday in my daily meditation and I thought it was perfect for today, Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment. —Eckhart Tolle

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