The Circle of Maples.....

Today, I went out to photograph where my bonsais are here, at my new home.  I had to wait for the sun to go down quite a bit because the bonsai face nearly due east, and no tree cover from the intense sunlight.  I have had two bonsai dry out, terribly and loose perhaps 1/2 of their leaves.  David said "they were fried by the sun".
    You are looking at a circle of maples, which have gone dormant now.  The leaves are graying, turning red, and falling off.  To the left, rear of the circle you can see a very green, dwarf gardenia plant that is enjoying the fall and staying very active.  Gardenia's thrive in cold here, very well, so this little sweetie will rest/sleep here all winter.
    In the center on the pedestal, is a forest of Trident Maples.  They are trying to decide what to do, and keep on sending out those tall leaders.  I suspect, with a few more cold nights here, the leaves will turn red and yellow and fall for their winter's nap.  
      To the right, you see the table I use to photograph my trees.  I put it up against the wall which will give me a great, light colored wall to showcase the trees.  Underneath, you see the Turks Cap, hiding from the intense sun.
     The extra shows the shelving where the rest of the bonsai are, some hiding underneath the top shelf to get relief from the intense sun.  While the pictures aren't very "good" they do give you a feel of how I am trying to creat a new bonsai garden and work with the Florida elements.

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