Tiny Tuesday: 'N' is for..... Nothing

Many thanks to those of you who wished me well in the camera club competition yesterday evening - I had a very pleasing result! The judge awards marks out of 10 and there were 62 entries. This image scored 9.5 and this one was one of seven that scored 10!!! I'm rather chuffed! :))

'N' is for Nothing......beginning with 'N', that is, and also pretty much what I've done today!

I've been feeling less than great, so I have little to report as I have done little..... Just a cough/cold - it will soon pass. There's a pile of leaves outside my front door, so I put the macro lens on and quickly placed the camera on the ground for my blip. Job done!

Have a great evening everyone - and thank you so much for everything for yesterday's blip!

Ann :))

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