horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

All Hail the King

With the day set to be the the washout that was forecast, a couple of chores were taken care of in Porty; before we headed out to the Restoration Yard in Dalkeith Country Park. That was so Mel could look for some ideas for Christmas (NOT buying anything yet! It's November!)., but it was great for me as well to get some gift ideas for my own stall at a mid-December Christmas fair. 

Followed up with a nice spin down to at store (in fact The Store) at Dunbar, then back along the coast. Juuuuust enough time to get down to the park, with the rain finally abating. And a late late spot of the King as I was leaving for home.

Now to start feeling nervous about the plan tomorrow. A day in the garage. Rain pouring outside. As I attempt to replace the carb in the Mini. And I really need to get it right, as Thursday's plan involves using the car...

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