Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A wet walk

Another wet day, but JR took Archie out and went to the gym, while I slummocked around in my dressing gown half the morning, eating my porridge and watching Homes Under the Hammer. I was feeling lethargic even more lethargic than usual.

JR went into town to return a coffee machine we'd been test driving. It was half price, and an impulse buy the other day. But we were allowed to try it out, along with a box of capsules. There were pros and cons, but the main one was that it was much much slower than our old one, and we're usually desperate for a coffee and don’t want to wait, so its fate was sealed and the old one has been reinstated.

I took Archie round to the Links for a run around. I wore my wellies - just as well, as it's a bit of a mud bath. However, I find them very hard to walk in, and so by the time I got home again, I was stuffed. AND one of the wellies LEAKS! So a wet sock added to my general malaise.

We did meet a lovely big French Bulldog called Mac. Mac loved chasing Archie's tennis ball, and in fact, Mac's owner threw the ball for ages, trying to get Archie to join in. But he's a bit wary of French Bulldogs, having met, and been growled at, by the six FBs who live round the corner.

He posed by on the table. It’s usually rich pickings round it, because school kids have their lunch there and the litter bin is just too far away (not) so they just leave bits of pizza etc on the grass. So either they put all their litter in the bin today, or it was raining at lunchtime. I’m guessing the latter.

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