Adam's Images

By ajt

the malls

A strange sort of day. I did some code prototyping using some (to me) new technology. The solution turned out to be quite easy, there was a nice example in a book I had. I've had the book for some time but the previous system I worked on didn't support the latest tech, the one I'm working on now does. Ironically the new system is so new that what I think of as new is now classified as legacy!

After the work I went swimming, but that was curtailed by a late running train, making me 5 minutes later than normally, then the pool being busy - it was deserted last Wednesday... After the pool I had a meeting in town and was on a late train home - which was also running late, but it wasn't the wind on this one, I think it wasn't well as it was making a horrible untrainlike noise!

Today's blip is the Malls in town, all new decorations here too this year - the council must have money to burn. As you can see the place is lit up like a Christmas Tree and there is almost no one there!

PS Red Wing managed to identify my boots from yesterday and they are still made and for sale, but not in the UK! I'd have to order them from the US. Today I re-waxed my Zamberlan hiking books and these Red Wing boots with Hydrobloc. I probably should take better care of these boots, they don't get cleaned often enough and round here the chalk/clay sticks like glue and dries the leather very quickly...!

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