A Hot Date

What a great day!--for the first time in a couple weeks we both had enough energy for an outing. A date!! So Mr S took me to the dump. Or Landfill, as we have learned to call it. We had a truckful of yard waste that he was burning to get rid of, and the site's only a couple miles out of town. He had the hard job of raking out the truck, and I swanned around and took photos of this remarkable place. First: it's huge. Carefully divided into areas for clean wood, yard waste, dirt, nasty garbage, recycling, etc. Here we are looking down into the garbage pit; a city waste truck is just beginning the downhill run to the pit, and a bulldozer's ready to flatten things out. A million seagulls are swarming for feeding time. Second: the ocean is at the horizon--this dump is on a spectacular piece of property with killer views of land and sea. Third: it's fascinating to see all the detritus of being human--unlimited amounts of waste being managed and churned and buried and curated. And the thing about going to the dump is that it kinda kills your appetite, so it's a cheap date. We had an awfully good time, but then we've barely been out and about for awhile. Needed a good sit when we got home.

The extra is a busy bluejay at the top of the neighbor's tree. He was squawking his head off early this morning and I took the shot just to confirm what kind of bird it was. Not till tonight did I realize he had his mouth full--I don't know how he could shriek like that without losing his treat.

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