
By shy

The irresistible lure of the ice-cream van

Most four-year olds will pester their parents endlessley for an ice cream on a hot day, and then when the poor parents cave in, they will all walk sedately in the direction of the van, queue up, choose a flavour, and the parents will pay.

This doesn't happen with Henry. Once the emotional blackmail has been performed on the parents, he bolts as fast as his little legs can carry him - head down, one strategic goal in mind - the holy grail, an ice cream.
He has no thoughts about whether he will queue, no thoughts about how he will pay. All he knows is his objective.
I'm sure this single-minded blind ambition will serve him in good stead in the future - even though it may not ever be fully thought-through.

He don't get it from me, that is for sure.

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