More Power

8:00am at the GP to get my second dose of iron via an infusion. All went well - last Friday all five of the infusion/dressing booths were full when I arrived at 8:15 but the waiting room was empty. Today the waiting room was full but I was the only one in the booths. Brilliant spring weather is clearly getting everybody mixed up - it's the Föhn wind coming over the alps from Italy - it can be blamed for everything.

Driving home and southwards, simply spectacular views of the alps - the Föhn again - but I didn't have my proper camera which I would have needed to shoot in to the sun.

Quick walk with the dogs, Angie had also left early to have a physiotherapy session in Ottobeuren. Back home, quick whiz around with the toothbrush and then off to Ottobeuren for a check up at the dentist. Hadn't been since spring when he had sent me off directly to a dental surgeon to get a couple of teeth pulled. 

Today had the teeth cleaned and polished but had to pay 20€ - once a year is free but I had one the last time. Dentist was generally happy and could now see (with the new gaps) two very small fillings that had been on observation status last time. Nothing urgent so have an appointment in January. Check ups and most standard treatment is free however when major work needed or fillings other than amalgam, then it gets expensive - often very expensive. If you have been for regular check ups, the state health insurance does chip in but only with proof. To this end everyone has a "Tooth Passport" where each visit is stamped, Today I got a new one - my old one is now full and shows all my visits since 1991 - I came to Germany in October 1990. Dentists and their charges are a constant source of aggravation for many. The passport system does help to put a bit of responsibility on the individual but there are many with problems not related to neglect. There are also countless TV reports of "cowboys" recommending unnecessary work and huge bills.

Dropped by the supermarket to fill up with beer and on returning to the car was heartily greeted by Christoph Auerbacher one of the two owners of the nearby agricultural machine engineers and specialists for Deutz. He had popped down the kilometre or so to collect lunch and enjoying the weather with the sunroof wide open. Always great to chat with him - always come away with a smile having enjoyed his company.

Home and after a quick lunch, set about drilling holes in concrete and setting up another 10 metres or so of water pipe horse fencing. Could be that was the last for a while. Rain and cold and snow by Sunday.

Just one week before Christmas festivities start. Thank goodness the radio stations still holding back on "Next Christmas" & Co.

German and Bavarian politics getting interesting. The German President who was voted in to the post by the 600 odd MP's + an invited 600 members of the public parliament back in February was the leader of the Labour party and German Foreign Minister. He has summoned all the parties individually to the "palace" and told them to sort themselves out - in particular his own parties leader who has been playing the hurt spoilt brat: within hours of the election result he refused to take part in any coalition discussions, even though they had been in the coalition since the last election in 2013. He has now been forced to ask the party membership. Could be his position is in jeopardy as there is a general wish for the last coalition to govern again. I suspect Hamburg's Labour mayor Olaf Scholz may be pushed to the top - he was a minister in Merkels 2005-2009 coalition cabinet.

The election of Steinmeyer as President in February is an interesting difference between UK & German culture. Would have been equivalent to Theresa May and her party MP's voting for Ed Miliband to take on the job and put him in the company house - Buckingham Palace. 

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