An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Flower Power...

Alan was fine overnight and this morning.  No sign of the spoon of doom though.  Still keeping an eye on him.  He went off to meet his pal Rachel in Dunfermline to go ten pin bowling.  She thrashed him again!  I asked him if he'd let her win and he said yes!  LOL!

Got up this morning determined to get some work done for the floral photography course.  I did that while David took Lola for her morning walk.  They went to the park where there was lots of black ice on the path.  It started to snow heavily and Lola loved it!  She was eating it!  I think it was bringing cool relief to her teething gums.

Bruce the Landscaper popped in this afternoon to go over the garden with us and make sure we are happy with it.  He brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers (will use them tomorrow for more work on my course :-)  He was happy to hear we are over the moon with their work.  He is going to email us a report detailing all the plants and how to care for them.  Thank goodness for that.  From memory we have sage, holly, Portuguese laurel, dogwoods, lavender, camomile, honeysuckle, jasmine, clematis, phlox and loads more I've forgotten!  They will come back to lay the resin but as they need four dry days in order to do so, I fear it may be a while before they're back.

Lola has been a wee star today.  One of her back teeth came out and her gum was bleeding.  The wee sweetheart was so good letting us investigate and poke about in her mouth.  I think the tooth’s exit has brought her some relief and she was in a very loving mood.  Three times today I've had to down tools and let her on my knee for a proper cuddle.  I can't resist her.  

Another late blip.  Hey ho.  Hope to get some time to catch up with you all tomorrow:) 

Have a good weekend x

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