An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Who's been sleeping in my bed...

Backblipped 27.11.18

Day two of a busy weekend.

David had a Nanna Nap in the afternoon while I concentrated on writing To-Do and To-Buy lists.  Now that they are done I feel much more organised and in control of the rapidly approaching festive season!    Of course this is just a false sense of security as writing the lists does not equate to action, but my brain fools me into thinking it does, so I will put the lists away and look at them in another week and really start panicking!  Oh well, panicking is half the fun! :-))

We had arranged to meet up for dinner with friends Aileen and Jim who live on the south side of Glasgow.  Rather than one couple having to drive full distance to a restaurant we decided to meet at one equidistant from our homes.  We ended up booking a table at a restaurant not too far from where we used to live and haven't been to for a long time, so not only was I looking forward to meeting up with A & J, but also re-visiting the restaurant.

When I went upstairs to get ready David was still snoozing and Lola was snuggled beside him.  They didn't stir until I turned the hairdryer on and this is the sight that greeted me when, as I blowdried my hair, I had the sudden feeling of being watched!  It made me laugh :-))

For once we were ready and out the house on time and arrived at the restaurant five minutes early and at exactly the same time as A & J.

We had a lovely evening catching up with them and eating some very delicious food.  It was lovely to see the restaurant busy and still delivering the high standards it was known for when we lived more locally.  The only negative is they have refurbished the ladies loos since I was last there and it now contains the tiniest cubicles I have ever been in.  They are so tiny the doors open outwards and when on the throne my apologies for the mental image now seared onto your brain one's knees are brushing against the cubicle door (and I'm only 5 feet 3 3/4".  Heaven help you if you're on the tall side!)  And if that wasn't bad enough, the doors are glass!  Ok it's opaque glass but that doesn't count for much when you are virtually pressed up against it!! Once again I apologise for the mental image now seared onto your brain

Enjoyable journey home in the car listening to Japan and reliving the early 80s :-)))

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