A smashing time

I had a horrifying moment when I took my camera out of my bag mid morning...shattered glass!!!! I was so upset!! Fortunately about 15 minutes later I realised I had a filter on, phew!!! Great relief that it wasn't the lens!
We had an evening party for Jose! His Mom, Natalia, & I do the fitness classes together. We had a nice evening nattering with some of the school parents whilst the kids played.

Drama of the day;
Thinking my lens had shattered.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A lovely chat with an elderly neighbour...she thought that at 8,30pm we were having "a very early dinner"! Ha! With our 6 year old and 7 month old! So different to UK timings!
2) The guys in Nude mixing up all sorts of goodies for Nate.
3) Getting a lovely message from one of the homeless guys, just seeing how we were.

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