
Tackled Sheffield Pike from Glenridding today. Cold and clear with bits of snow higher up. Passed through the workings of Greenside Mine taking the wrong track west rather than north to get to the footpath leading to the top of the Pike.

Icy on top which was a good job as the track to the summit was very boggy; it would have been very unpleasant wading across that lot had it not been so cold.

Sat having a sandwich and soup in the lee of shelter when a Lurcher came bounding up looking for food, closely followed by his owners. (They were not looking for food)

Descent into Glencoyne was fine with the exception of a small section of icy narrow, exposed footpath with a steep but grassy drop to the left. After that it was fine and an excellent walk above Glencoyne down to the lake and back to the hotel.

Today’s blip wasn’t the one I intended. I discovered the iPad SD Card adapter had been left at home so I couldn’t use any photos from the Panasonic. This is Glenridding of course, the catchment responsible for gathering the torrential rain from Storm Desmond in 2015 and channelling all that water into and through Glenridding causing catastrophic damage. Work is still going on today to repair and protect the Village.

Enjoyed complimentary cream tea when we got back and a very nice dinner later.

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