Stalker Castle

After a yummy breakfast of pancakes (just thinking about them again makes my mouth water!) we said goodbye to Loch Ness. And headed to the Fort William area to meet another fabulous blipper, stuartjross, and his beautiful wife, cakescakescakes. It was super to meet them both and we were treated to tea and M's famous Malteser cake. (Yummmmm!) And we also got to meet their very excitable doggies!

Once we left Stuart's place we traveled to Glenfinnan to visit the Glenfinnan Monument which commemorates the 1745 raising of Bonnie Prince Charlie's standard. While there we also waited for the train to go over this viaduct. Those who have seen the Harry Potter movies may recognize it, as it was used in the filming of one of the movies. I am not sure which one as I have not seen the movies. Shame on me, right?!? For a shot with the train going over, click here.

On the way to our next overnight destination we passed the castle seen here along the Appin coast. Castle Stalker was built around 1320 and has a long and bloody history!

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