Broke The Back Of My Christmas Shopping

A day trip to York with my friend Amanda, although she was delayed by traffic and so I had the first few hours wandering by myself before dropping my camera in for a sensor clean. I was very impressed that they completed it and I got my camera back this afternoon...not so impressed with the cost mind you, I hope it will be worth it.

The rest of the day was spent shopping and chatting and eating and drinking. I even managed to break the back of my Christmas shopping...Santa will be ready to fill stockings on Christmas morning.

I had the great news from work this morning that each and every member of my team met their annual targets...I am so proud, they are such a great bunch of people and really deserve their success...I think we’ll all be able to relax into Christmas.

I have to say how sorry that I have found this week very tiring and so generally have either been working or flaking out of an evening, leaving little energy for Blip. I hope to be able catch up over the weekend with all your lovely journals.

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