For all those who doubted my "feeling cold" feelings. Take a look at this picture! The last digits show what it feels like with this wind we are having. It really is cold right now. It's not warm, and the wind just keeps on blowing through you. It is winter here too even when the sun is shining. And luckily it is!

In the picture the airplane is over the mountain where we hiked yesterday. It's about on hours drive away. 

I've been having a headache -less migraine today. Yesterday morning I two two pills to be able to go hiking. I got the headache back during the evening. Took another pill before I went to bed. I had pretty restless night and I was up at 5:40 still having dizzy spells (like yesterday). This afternoon I saw sew shapes on my left eye, so the migraine is definitely continuing. My neck is stiff so I think it's coming from that problem. So today I have not accomplished anything but done a load of laundry and made macaroni casserole gluten free version.

I tried to take a nap, but could not fall asleep, so I'm trying to stay awake until I can go to sleep. Exciting life I live!

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