
The 4 of us went for an early evening stroll around town to look at the different Christmas trees and see the lights. In the main square near our soon to be (??!) new flat, there's this huge frame completely covered in lights...it looks so beautiful! 
Home to make biscuits for church tomorrow...Asha's advent challenge for the day...each batch came out completely different from how they were meant to, ha! BUT they taste nice, even if they do look rather abstract! 
An early night for me - I am well and truly in the depths of this cold.

Drama of the day:
Nothing going as it was meant to go!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The evening wander...soooo cold but so beautiful! Thanks SecondSeason for the #festivefeatures idea!
2) A quiet and slow day.
3) Thick woolly socks - these floors are SO cold!

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