
Nate actually slept last night!!! These past few weeks he's been awake between 5-8/9 times a night, last night he slept 12,30-6!!!!! Hooray!! Asha woke me at 6 too, to tell me her tooth had fallen out - she's seriously gappy now, with one missing at the front on both the top and bottom row. She's very proud!
We headed over to San An for church, Asha's biscuits went down well despite their odd shapes. 
From church we went straight to a Christmas fundraiser that some of the British expat community had organised. Different odds and ends to buy, watch, eat etc etc... The highlight for me was bumping into one of our midwives, Luci. So lovely to have a big hug and catch up!
Then back home to wrap up and go watch the sun setting. Always a treat. I've put a couple of pics in Flickr

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing Luci...she felt like a long lost friend! Strange to have experienced something so intimate as birth with someone, and then not really see them....though it's obviously the normal thing!
2) Danny working hard to settle Nate to sleep.
3) Sunset - what a treat...

That's our car, patiently waiting for me to finish snapping!

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