
Today's fitness class was t o u g h, Sergio had us doing these press up things on our fingertips, so all that was touching the ground was the tips of your trainers & tips of your fingers!!! Today's hour passed slowly!! From there Nate & I went to meet an Italian friend to natter in Spanish for a couple of hours. She and her boyfriend own a gorgeous bar in Dalt Vila, and they both have english classes with Danny (or 'Denny' as all Italians seem to call him!). It was SO lovely to get to know her better. Nate loves her, whenever he sees her he's wreathed in smiles, but goes all coy at the same time. I've not seen him react like that to anyone else, but it's always his reaction to Elena!
Asha had Catalan this afternoon...it was lovely to see her playing with 2 of the girls in the playground afterwards. We walked home via the park and via Nude for a quick coffee & hello to Chris. Then back to make christmas cards (Asha's advent challenge for today) & pack a bit more of the flat, in the hope we might actually move soon... 

Blip is of the car lights and Christmas lights down one of the main roads in Ibiza Town.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with Elena.
2) Danny dropping Asha at Catalan pre prison, so Nate (who is full of cold) could stay asleep on me.
3) Making cards with Asha, Nate happily next to us in his highchair...music on, candles on...lovely. 

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