
By HareBrain

Away in a manger

And the baby slept through - probably the lingering smell of that Haylage helped!!

The Christmas Craft Fair which is held each year in the lovely Church in our neighbouring village and where I've been all day went off very well.  The weather wasn't very kind though as it poured with rain whilst we were carting our wares to the event up several steps to the Church and the rain continued whilst our lovely Town Crier ordered the tree to be lit up and the choir to regale us with carols. 

My stall was well received with lots of interest in my needlefelting, pictures and cards and with some items purchased I made quite a good profit - yeah.

I carted slightly lighter boxes of my wares back to the car in yet more rain but the adverse weather didn't dampen another successful village event. 

I think the Haylage may have got to me too, I'm totally zonked and in bed by 9pm ...........................


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