What a day. I decided to not get up until 7am, and when I did I suddenly saw the Super Moon through the trees, so I quickly threw on some clothes and ran down the hill just as it disappeared behind the clouds. Not to be daunted (and for my blip), I did not even let the dogs out, but jumped into the car and drove to the canal (see extra as proof), but alas no moon. Came home and let the dogs out and after I got sorted out I went my dog walk.
I am posting late as I was waiting to see if the moon returned. Well about ten minutes  ago it appeared very briefly from the clouds, so at last after all my trouble I got it. If it appears later I will try and get it again.
Pretty exhausted after my day, even got my C tree up. I have put it in extras
I was going to get a real one, but in the end just used the one I had in the loft..

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