He Who Dares Wins .

Most days start with a coffee  acrossTheodor Heuss Platz .A routine has developed and this , like Topsy simply grew and grew .These crows are clever .a ) walk to the lights & along come crows .b) cross.& more join them c) over the park & a game begins ..akin to SLY FOX but this is SLY CROW .e) walk then suddenly stop , turn , look as they drop & stand to see which way a peanut will fall .f) Some fly ahead and wait . Then it's who wins, front or rear ? At the cafe they wait for me and later we have 10 minutes fun . Their lotto being roll the walnut . Above you see today's winner. The others get peanuts . This is  'Avian Yoga' .Total relaxation and focus . No bad news , no war , no hate , no aggression .It's my idea of paradise & days are better for it .
Have included what must be my shortest video ever .Shows that not only Hooded Crows get my attention
Mrs Blackbird & Her Healthy Breakfast

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