
Back to reality today, with wet, cold and windy weather; the garden looking like a war zone; tons of washing to deal with and a visit to the doctor to boot:-)

The rash on my legs is cellulitis, as I suspected (nothing to do with cellulite - though I've got plenty of that too!!), so I've been given a course of very strong antibiotics, which should stop it in its tracks.  The swollen legs caused by so much travel didn't help, but the insect bites could have caused the infection.

Simba was duly collected from the cattery after the eye-watering bill had been paid.  Anyone would think he'd been on a luxury holiday too:-) He's settled back well to home life after an initial check of his outdoor territory, but it's too cold to stay outside for long, so he's snug on his bed on the settee now!

The maps in my blip were loaned by a friend and will be returned to him soon, but they gave us an excellent idea of the routes we took and the places we saw so I hope he won't mind if I keep them a bit longer until I do my inevitable photobook:-)  Must do the book while everything is fresh in my mind or they will just be happy memories!

Catching up may take a while, as the jet lag is still lingering so it's off to bed early now:-)

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