Imagined Worlds

Dear Diary,

Today is a day for pure fantasy and imagined worlds.  I made the photograph of the "landscape" (I will tell you where at the end) and thought it looked like a nighttime forest of ice bubble trees.  I decided to play into that.  I added the star and the black bear walking in the night forest.  The "landscape" itself is just as I photographed it.  Can you guess where I found it?  Give up?

My double glazed window in the downstairs bathroom has a broken seal and it lets moisture get in between the panes of glass.  This landscape of frozen trees is the result although it changes day to day.  Creating magical worlds is such fun and it is about all the fun I will have for a few days as I am down with a bad cold, my first one in over three years.  It must be that my immune system is a bit compromised. This photograph reminds me of an Einstein quote:  "Logic will get you from A to Z but imagination can take you anywhere."  It can indeed.

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