
By HarrythePotter

Chairman Mao.

Today was an early start in the bitterly cold winds accompanying the outreach worker to identify anyone rough sleeping. There were 3 people in this situation despite the night shelter being open due to emergency procedures. Just shows how strong a demand for certain things can be sometimes.

I then met RF and we got on a train to Waterloo, had an early lunch before walking to Tate Modern where the classic Andy Warhol paintings pictured above were amongst others on display.

Saw a large variety of art, some very difficult to look at, others amazing. We also had a swing on giant swings in the huge central space before walking to Covent Garden via an original Twinnings Tea shop in The Strand and finally saw Kew Gardens lit up with millions of fairy lights.

What a great day, thank you.

The extras show iconic Soviet images sculpted together, and my favourite displays at Kew. I think I'd get into big trouble if I included a picture of a certain someone smiling on a swing!

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