
By DigitalDave

Locked out!

The subject in today's blip was the cause of much frustration for me today.
It is our old front door lock which, admittedly, has been playing up for some time. I had, however got the knack of jiggling the key a bit upwards, turning a bit, then jiggling it the other way, and this has worked perfectly for the last six months.
This morning the lock decided that it was game over, just when it was perishingly cold outside and I was trying to get back into the house. After about 15 minutes and much swearing, we were in. I then subsequently remembered that there is a key to the back door on my keyring too, which would have saved a struggle in the cold. Not a good start to the day.
So this afternoon a trip to hardware store for a new lock was required. It's the same size lock exactly, but a different make. (Actually a better one). Why, oh why, do the holes have to be in slightly different places to the old one??? Grrrr. 
To cut a long story short, the new lock is in place, and the photo is of the old dismantled one - ready for the bin!
After all the faffing around, this was the best I could come up with for a blip today. I'm not going out again, and anyway, it's time for strictly on the telly soon.

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