Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer


It has been an awful summer for the local farmers. We've had days and days of unrelenting rain, and the crops have rotted in the ground. Potato farmers in particular are watching their crops drown before their eyes.

This field was full of maize for animal feed but its growth was dismal - they harvested it in despair just to clear the land.

And yet a few miles down the road, they're building new houses on areas known to flood! It's amazing what the lure of lots of cash will do to companies, who seem to be quite happy to lie and cheat in order to make money.

And it's the new norm - as long as you can make a buck, who cares seems to be the ethos of the day.

No amount of money will feed you if there's no crops coming out of the ground!

We're all doomed!

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