Pixel H

By PixelH

Ticket to ride

Me: Where are all these tickets for?
Friendly Train Conductor: Where would you like them to be for?
Me: Somewhere hot. And Beachy. Where they serve you cocktails with little umbrellas in them.
Friendly Train Conductor: Well...pick one then!
Me, hesitating somewhat: What if I pick the wrong one?
Friendly Train Conductor: You won't find out until you get there. And anyway, it's all about the journey.
Me: Oh. Right. Fair enough. Can I ask you something else?
Friendly Train Conductor: Uh huh....
Me: Since when did train conductors get so 'Zen', man.....?

A small selection of the train tickets I have accrued over the past few days. The rest are at work on my desk so that I can get my expenses paid. Deadline for expenses and timesheets is tomorrow. I hate timesheets. I had a major lack of energy last night to photo anything and tonight is kinda going the same way.

Oh, and can i add something about what a momentus day it has been for America today? Jonny and Elisa had a baby boy called Oscar. Congratulations and well done them. So pleased that things are okay and that baby Oscar is safe and well.

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