Pixel H

By PixelH

Some days....

a blip of your dinner is all you can rustle up. And thats okay. Especially when its a picture of sausage and garlic mash, with cabbage and an onion gravy with cheese over the top, washed down with a few beers. Yes, I really have kept my New Years Resolution of not giving anything up.

House hunting resumed today. I'm trying to be positive. But they just don't look like Edinburgh to me.

I'm in Littleport tonight with Laura. After dinner we watched the elephants on tv having dust baths. Just how effective are dust baths.....? The storms have got up though and you can totally hear the fact that you are in the middle acres and acres of farm fields on the fens. The winds are so strong and almost melodic against the side of the house.

Anyway, the countdown begins till the weekend. Bring it on.....

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