
I hadn’t dared hope that our little jaunt to NYC would coincide with the first snow falls of the winter, but we’ve struck lucky. And how very lovely and magical it all is. 
So no sooner had we arrived at our predictably über chic hotel down the lower east side than we had to pull on hats and gluvvies and leg it up to Central Park. As you do. 
And then back for a tramp around the streets of Little Italy (or thereabout), snow still swirling about, till we found an eatery. An Australian eatery, apparently. But now I’m struggling - an extra five hours has somehow been shoehorned into the day, and the eyelids are drooping. There may indeed be world famous DJs on the roof top terrace (though my knowledge of DJs stopped around the era of Ed ‘Stewpot’ Stewart) according to the room bumf. They won’t even need to keep the noise down…. Zzzzz

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