In search of Chilly

The two snowpeople looked out at the window and were dismayed to see that although the trees had lots of branches there were no leaves and they couldn’t see Chilly.  Oh No they said in unison how are we going to find Chilly.. I know said one let us ask the big snowman in the hall way – he looks very wise and is sure to know..
Off they wandered and in the meantime Chilly had realised that the penguins he spied on the big tree were only Christmas decoration.. A very disappointed Chilly climbed down and realised his snowpeople friends had gone without him..
He wandered off and made his way to the station to try to catch a train back to the safety of the warm cosy house.
At last the snowpeople reached the big snowman in the hall way.. He looked at them very kindly and asked if they needed help.. Oh yes please they said “we need to find Chilly”  After much thought the big snowman in the hall way said  “I think if you catch the snowlight express you will find Chilly at the station.
Thank you they cried and set off to catch the train . . . . . .
To be continued

KG went to the doctors again this morning and has got some more antibiotics and ear drops.  I stayed home and set up my tableau for today and was hoping to post it early but decided that he pictures I had chosen for the the members evening  did not really comply with the brief so sorted out 6 more and then did my blip.
I love creating scenarios and I did have more time  this morning
Turned ou a lovely sunny afternoon if a trifle cold!!

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