Well I Never . . .

thought I would be getting to 1000 blips.  When I started I had no expectations.  Well I was in for a surprise.  This is the most wonderful community of people.  I have learned so much from entering the challenges, viewing the other entries and getting feedback about my images.  It is a creative outlet for me and has enriched my little world.  I may not know what the date is but I can say it's Tiny Tuesday.  The journal has become a point of reference for what we did this time last year, last month, last week.
I still get the same buzz I did at the beginning when I see the images from far flung corners of the world and I can compare and contrast with my corner of the world.  Overwhelmingly we are more alike than different.  
Thank you to everyone who visits my journal. 

Fill the frame high key
Composition focal point
Colours that contrast

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