Emerson lends a helping paw...

Hello All, Emerson here.  Mom is really under the weather.  I think that means that the sniffles and sneezes are getting worse so I thought I would lend a helping paw by writing today's post.  Speaking of weather, it is snow storming outside again!  Mom is not wearing her "happy face" this morning.

This is one way I help Mom, with the Christmas package wrapping.  It is crucially important for me to sit right in the middle of whatever paper she is using to prevent it from blowing away in a gale.  Mom says there is little chance of a gale in the dining room but I am not taking any chances.

Another way I assist Mom is by carefully inspecting every ribbon and bow.  I especially like the thin curling ribbon which I chew diligently.  Somehow, Mom doesn't quite appreciate my efforts in this regard.

I carefully inspect all Mom's writing on cards and envelopes too.  That wiggly pen is just too much for me to resist.  A gentle tap and Mom yells, "Now look what you have made me do!"  Well, isn't that the point!

I am also a Christmas Tree Inspector of the first degree, especially the shiny ornaments.  If I get anywhere near to them however Mom yells again, "They are made of glass, don't touch!"  So, mainly I don't but I do like to hang out under the tree in the back.  A perfect vantage point for my mouse patrol duties.  A kitty's work is never done!

But this year I think by main job is Cuddle and Snuggler-in-Chief.  Mom seems to like this best of all so I plan to do a lot of it until she is feeling her old self again.  Mom says I should receive a medal for my efforts in this department.  Santa, if you are listening, you can skip the medal and just bring me a new catnip mouse.


Emerson, CIC (Cuddler-in-Chief)

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