A tiny one in the sunshine...

Dear Diary,

The little tufted titmice are the only ones coming to the feeders.  I have no idea where my chickadees are, or all the others for that matter.  I thought for sure that after Saturday nights storm they would all be flocking to the feeders but no.  Just my loyal titmice come to call each day.

Matt and his wife came to do the shoveling.  I was dubious about whether Matt should do any shoveling but he said he is feeling fine and wanted to so I watched from the window and worried the entire time.  He said the doctors are allowing him to get out and work.  They said, because he is so young the body is healing much faster than it would with an older person.  That's great news but I just worry about a recurrence.  Hopefully, the med's he is on will prevent another episode.

I have to drag myself out today and get to the pharmacy so I can get something to help with these symptoms.  I need to get some sleep at night.

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