Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

And here she is!

Mrs Drosakis on her way from Glossa to Raches, though she could just as easily be on her way from Lark Rise to Candleford (which I've just discovered has been televised, so in case discrepancies exist, I am referring to the book which I read in my teens). I recently made reference to 'glass half empty' people versus those who tend to be 'glass half full'. Mrs Drosakis falls into the category of 'my cup runneth over' The one and only time I saw her less than cheerfully full of the joys of life was a few days after her life partner, Nikos had died suddenly and without warning. I am unable to have a proper conversation with her, her Greek is way too fast for me and mine too slow to interrupt her so I pick up what I can and try not to fill in too much from my own head. I expect that she believes strongly in God and that he covered the planet with useful plants, it is simply personal responsibility to get from them what you can, and she does, all day every day. Today's chat was still about collecting olive branches for firewood, but as we were travelling in opposite directions she stayed outside the car and allowed me to photograph her from within.

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