Almost Done

I have been surprised at how much I’ve enjoyed doing a jigsaw puzzle! (See Blip Dec 7th) In fact, I have had some very late nights, thinking “I’ll just do a few more pieces!”, then finding that an hour or more had passed and it was way past my bedtime!

This picture was taken at 1245am!! So it counts for my Wednesday blip, yes? My lodger did most of the bottom left corner while I was on the phone - then he went to bed (at a sensible hour) and I kept with it and did the top left corner - harder than I thought it would be.

See the extra, for the almost finished project, completed this evening by me and the lodger. Even though this was a brand new box with the pieces sealed, we were missing 3 pieces and we had one duplicate piece. How did THAT happen? Maybe we lost the 3 pieces, but an EXTRA??

Once it was completed and a few pictures taken, the puzzle was taken apart (after all that work!!) - lodger has a 1000 piece puzzle (gulp!) and we made an immediate start on that. it will be useful for when I need an emergency blip!!

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