Hymn Again with the Big One

I’m sure by the end of the Christmas week, he’ll be note perfect without the music. It wouldn’t be Christmas without the Sally Army giving it laldy on Princes Street.
We were in town early enough this morning (ie 9:30am) to avoid the worst of humanity out on a beautiful sunny Saturday to do some serious shopping for the big day.
Although the bulk of our Christmas Day food will be collected next Saturday, there are still things that need to be bought to feed the Shipley grandsons and daughter #5 who will be up on Monday for a 4 day break in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Having forgotten the crackers, I braved the locality beyond the railings this afternoon to find some. I swear that if one more person walks into me while looking at their phone or an oncoming phalanx of students makes no effort to accommodate my passage, then the red mist of rage will descend and blood could be spilt. So much for my Spirit of Christmas.
There is a penalty for living bang in the middle of the student quartier.

I have a wonderful evening in store tonight glued to Strictly Come Dancing on TV. I want Joe to win because he is, I think, the only one who started dancing from scratch at the beginning of the competition, and besides, he has such a lovely smile! His Lordship is watching the boxing-typical.

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