Ponies Enjoy da Winter Sun

There was some wintery showers over night, and a dusting of snow covering the ground today.  It's been a cold day, but calm and sunny all day.  

Weekend off work, and I also have a week holiday too.  A lazy morning to start the day, but I finally got out with Sammy after breakfast.  I caught up the rest of the Island Medics series on the BBC iPlayer, and must say I really enjoyed it :)  More walkies with Sammy this evening, but enjoying the warmth from the peat fire roaring. 

Me and Sammy enjoyed a long walk, and even though it was cold, you could feel warmth from the sunshine.  We weren't the only ones enjoying the day, these friendly ponies were also basking in the sunlight.  Taken at Punds Voe, Scalloway.  

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