Snake hips

The Christmas party continued in full flow and it was a raucous one as these parties go. I think we all needed a release especially those who work remotely and had been solo dealing with the emotions of Tony's death.

Very extravagant dance moves including a moving performance of Hit Me Baby One More Time with Dave. After one arm extension a colleague asked whether I'd ever trained as a ballet dancer, which was simply laughable. Amy and I performed Ghostbusters using the old pillars and features of the Clare College cellar bar as useful props. The next day she was complaining of pulled muscles as we did put our backs into it. Very drunken senior colleagues and commandeering of tray trolleys from the Clare canteen, which we used as aids on the dancefloor. Luckily no one was injured whilst climbing inside and being spun around vigorously. Very late night marauding around the town centre hunting for chips, which were eventually found and devoured.

I'd booked a strategic day-off-in-lieu so recuperated on Thursday with an Asda trip as the main accomplishment. Post-party was similar to last year in that I passed out on my phone whilst in an odd state of undress. But no nausea thankfully.

Sean the handyman from the company that developed the property was on site to handle lingering snagging issues. He dealt with some dropped dishwasher legs, some unfinished kitchen drawers and fraying sealant, and expressed consternation about how I must spend my evenings with no TV in the flat.

Kate and I each bought this cup a few weeks ago at the Mill Road Winter Fair from a trader called The Little Octopus Shop. We then bumped into our friend and colleague Sophie who shares my exact birth date and year. Her mum was on the scene and I managed to offend her three times in about twenty seconds by a) displaying the mug and swearing, b) making an anti-Brexit statement and c) commenting how she was in labour with Sophie at the same time as my mother was with me.

Despite the offensiveness Sophie told me that as we walked off she still remarked that Kate and I made 'such a nice couple.' And she didn't understand the cup slogan, asking 'why are sharks shit?'

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