Any one seen . . . .

. . . Rudolph ? ? ?

 . . .  Rudolph?
A bitty day the bird feeders all needed topping up and transferred the new seeds and nuts into their containers.  Out to top up the feeders.  One of the feeders had a very silly design (it is in the bin now) . you had to undo a wing nut on the bottom and then everything fell  out.  Every time I managed to get the  central spike there it fell over before I could put the nut back on.  A lot of bird seed on the grass but I am sure the birds will polish that off.  Cooked lunch and cleared up and then time for a blip.  These two Santas and Reindeers are destined for pastures new but thought I would use them today.  Anyone seen Rudolph.  
A very wet and miserable day today 

Later posting than i anticipated as the blipfofo site was down!!

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