Jingle Bells - back blip

Oh what a day KG was going to play table tennis and badminton - couldn't find his bat - fortunately he had a spare - I went down with him and went into Thornbury - did the bank OK but waited 45 mins in the post office to post a card to the states.  Into Tesco and though I was the second person in the queue the person in front had a query and that took a while to sort out.  Got home about 11 put the shopping away and down to pick up KG,
Wanted to print out a picture and couldn't get it the right size.  Then out to visit friends and do more holiday memories - that was good then on to camera Club and it was a bit of a boring speaker  - beautiful shots of birds but how many can see in flight and fighting and standing. ???
My blip was taken in a hurry and it was bells - well at the end of the day my nerves were all a jangle like these bells.  It is not the best  but . . . .  .

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