Overcoming every challenge: Rodgers with Angelina

16 December 2017:

For the past eleven years Mary has seen that Rodgers has had a home and a Mama to look after him, since she found him living and eating with doge after his mother had died and his father had an alcohol addiction problem. I'm sure the neighbours helped at times, but I often think that this seriously challenged (mentally and physically) would be better off dead.
However there is every sign of life in him.
Recently one of our volunteers was most emphatic that he could do better with extra challenges in his life, even though he has a home, a bed of his own and a full time carer
This really shook us and we now have two extra helpers Angelina and Donna to give him some challenges. 
We are so lucky they both of our workers love him to bits as does his carer.
He is a lucky young man to have three women doting over him

Donna and Angelina visited today.
They found Rodgers and Mama very well although some two days ago Rodgers was sick suffering from diarrhoea 
-       Bathing him
-       Getting  him to play football
-       Getting him to run
-       Getting him to walk
-       Making him to laugh and smile through dancing
-       Singing local songs
-       Helping Mama to wash  Rodgers clothes
 We teach mama how to care plates and the room so that he can be protected from infection
When giving water to Rodgers should use clean cups
When giving food should use clean plates
Putting plates outside the room should be avoided because tsetseflies lay eggs on it.
Half carton of Soap for washing Rodgers clothes
1kg packet of salt
The Torch for easy Lighing while night
We gave her money to fetch for firewood or charcoal
Next visit 22 December

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