
By Hillyblips

Deer-ly Loved

Careful not to switch on the lights and peering into the gloom I saw two dark ghostly shapes slowly gliding across the field ............ the deer!

As the light started filtering into the morning they stood by the hedge nibbling the autumn berries, then settled for a rest. If you didn't know they were there, you would never have known - they just blended in with the nettles.

Yes, I had taken some photographs through the window but just knew there was a better view from the velux in the office over our garage. Dilema - how to get there without a whisper of a sound with doors all locked, windows shut, dogs etc. Surprisingly I managed it squeaks and all, without them bolting, then used an old sweatshirt to muffle the camera.

I waited and waited.........! The sun rose over the clouds flooding the field with a beautiful bright yellowy orange warmth and I could clearly see them listening to the various noises around as I watched their twitching ears through the lens! ..........and waited ..........positively gasping for a cuppa by this time.

Startled by a sudden noise up they jumped, ran, not knowing which way to go, left then right, only to disappear out off sight! I had never in 25 years living here seen them that close to the house. A lovely and totally brilliant start to the day!

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