
By PaulaJ

Looking up

I've travelled from Darlington Station so many times, as it's the East CoastLline to London that we much prefer, even though it means an hour's journey to the station. In all that time, I can't say that I have ever before really looked up. Well you wouldn't would you!

Today I looked up and saw this . . .

It reminds me of the past when, as a child before we had a car, trains were the only way of travelling long distances. Most holidays we took the train from Bradford to Derby to visit my grandmother and I can even now recall how exciting railway stations were then.

We have a weekend in London. Tonight we are going to see 'The Three Sisters' at the Young Vic. Some of the words that have been used to describe this production: extraordinary, unconventional, shocking, riveting, radical, different. Just who thought this was a good idea!!

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